mobile communication

Mobile Communication

Fast, portable and flexible solutions, keeping you on top of your work wherever you are.

With the growing number of organisations employing mobile workers, mobility solutions are increasing as they enable users to access all the same business applications they have at the office whilst on the road or at home, thus allowing them to be more efficient. QDos IT Mobile solutions provide you with a wide range of mobile technologies to meet the needs of your business and mobile workforce.

Mobile communications provide your business with the following benefits:

  • Enhance the performance/productivity of your mobile workforce
  • Ensure communication with mobile workforce
  • Reduce physical work space and related costs
  • Convenience and flexible communication
  • Allow communications to shift easily between voice calls, voicemail, e-mail, and instant messaging

Keep ahead of your competition with the latest technology

QDos IT has the expertise to integrate complete, secure mobile solutions into your workflow processes and provide you with reliable, professional support. In order to meet your mobile communication requirements, QDos IT offers a comprehensive set of mobile communication solutions including:

  • Wireless IP phones
  • Mobile phones
  • Smart-phones
  • 3G Data-cards
  • USB Modems
  • Blackberry

Make the right call for your mobile workforce

Maximise the performance of your mobile workforce through QDos IT's advanced range of Mobile Voice and Data Solutions. To find out which mobile solutions best meet your needs, contact our team on 01296 390640 or email QDos IT at

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