Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

At QDos IT we are acutely aware of the potential impact of our operations on the environment. Our objective is to minimise this impact wherever possible, in four areas:

  • Pollution prevention
    Taking practical measures to reduce waste and lessen our environmental impact
  • Go green
    Migrate where practicable to renewable or recycled products, services and resources
  • Proactive approach
    Continue to seek practical methods to manage any impact not readily eliminated
  • Internal and external corporate communications
    Promoting understanding of our environmental responsibilities at all levels, inside and outside the company

The daily implementation of these measures is the responsibility of every employee. The responsibility for managing, planning and implementing them lies with the Board of Directors.

We aim to meet or exceed statutory requirements in our environmental policy, and in establishing our green credentials work towards continuous business improvement on a daily basis. At the same time we carry out risk assessments of all activities to avoid potential problems before they arise.

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